Lavinio Gualdesi, OMeGA, interviews Amel Hamza Chafai As part of the recent focus on environmental issues in the basin of the most ancient civilizations of excellence, the magazine OMEGA, in its traditional federative attitude, continues to present distinguished representatives of…
Categoria: Articoli in Inglese
Environmental Scientific Column
Europe and the southern shore. Again problems of water by Lavinio Gualdesi HERSE, the Goddess of Dew. HERSE, the Goddess of Dew, was the original idea of a European Project whose primary objective was to provide a completely new source…
Beirut, Weekly Report # 14, April 24th, 2020
Cronache dal Libano by Yves Beirut, 24 April With the return of former Prime Minister Saad Hariri from Paris to Lebanon by private jet on Friday 17, it seems that the opposition to the government is gathering some momentum. According to…
Beirut, Weekly Report # 13, April 17th, 2020
Cronache dal Libano by Yves Beirut, 17 April. While the country is focused on issues about the pandemic, political tensions have appeared in the country as well as tensions with the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) on the borders. On Friday…