Resolution 298

Resolution 298

of 25 September 1971


The Security Council,

Recalling its resolutions 252 (1968) of 21 May 1968 and 267 (1969) of 3 July 1969 and the earlier General Assembly resolutions 2253 (ES-V) and 2254 (ES-V) of 4 and 14 July 1967 concerning measures and actions by Israel designed to change the status of the Israeli-occupied section of Jerusalem,

Having considered the letter of the Permanent Representative of Jordan on the situation in Jerusalem 1/ and the reports of the Secretary-General,2/ and having heard the statements of the parties concerned on the question,

Reaffirming the principle that acquisition of territory by military conquest is inadmissible,

Noting with concern the non-compliance by Israel with the above-mentioned resolutions,

Noting with concern also that since the adoption of the above-mentioned resolutions Israel has taken further measures designed to change the status and character of the occupied section of Jerusalem.

1. Reaffirms its resolutions 252 (1968) and 267 (1969);

2. Deplores the failure of Israel to respect the previous resolutions adopted by the United Nations concerning measures and actions by Israel purporting to affect the status of the City of Jerusalem;

3. Confirms in the clearest possible terms that all legislative and administrative actions taken by Israel to change the status of the City of Jerusalem, including expropriation of land and properties, transfer of populations and legislation aimed at the incorporation of the occupied section, are totally invalid and cannot change that status;

4. Urgently calls upon Israel to rescind all previous measures and actions and to take no further steps in the occupied section of Jerusalem which may purport to change the status of the City or which would prejudice the rights of the inhabitants and the interests of the international community, or a just and lasting peace;

5. Requests the Secretary-General, in consultation with the President of the Security Council and using such instrumentalities as he may choose, including a representative or a mission, to report to the Council as appropriate and in any event within sixty days on the implementation of the present resolution.

Adopted at the 1582nd meeting by 14 votes to none,

with 1 abstention (Syrian Arab Republic).


1/ Ibid., document S/10318.

2/ Ibid., Twenty-second Year, Supplement for July, August and September 1967, documents S/8052 and S/8146; Twenty-fourth Year, Supplement for April, May and June 1969, documents S/9149 and Add.1; Ibid., Supplement for October, November and December 1969, document S/9537; Ibid., Twenty-sixth year, Supplement for January, February and March 1971, document S/10124; Ibid., Supplement for April, May and June 1971, document S/10124/Add.1; and Ibid., Supplement for July, August and September 1971, document S/10124/Add.2.